Welcome To JCPublicity
Covering Everyday Life Jesus
We thought you should know...
2 septembre 2023For years, Emerging Media and Technology were the focus of JCPublicity, and particularly...28 juillet 2023Pioneering Church Planting in the Metaverse.eJoin others from around the world in this 5-week...28 juillet 2023AI & Tech in Your Church Determining the role new technologies play in your ministry. Advances...Campaigns
Jesus Christ In Everyday Life
Saved...Now What?! - 2Cor. 5:15
The Saved Now What Campaign is designed to reach 18-25 year olds with a message of Faith, Purpose & Action. The campaign began on February 20, 2016. The mission is to encourage younger generations to "Live" a "Lifestyle of Faith" and put God's plans for their lives into action. #SavedNowWhat #Livewhatyoubelieve
Making Christ Famous - Rev. 12:11
Mentoring/Training Sessions For Youth and Young Adults who desire to express their Faith through Media, Art, Creativity, Fashion, Music, Spoken Word, or Simply In Other Everyday Unique Ways! (Program Is hybrid) (Ongoing Contributors to JCP's Visual Blog)
2020 Life Film - Matthew 4:23
This unique approach to healing involves using smartglasses to reveal the healing we need by looking at life through our own eyes. The 10-year project(2019-2029) centers around trauma healing, which focuses on healing wounds of the heart( the ones we cannot see)
Love Heals - Psalm 147:3
Trauma Healing Group For Teenage GirlS. The Mission Of The Group Is To Come Alongside Each Young Lady In Their Individual Healing Journey And Provide Support To Help Them Live Whole & Healthy Lives Beyond The Trauma They've Experienced.
Upcoming Sessions
(Healing Groups, Journal Readings, Trainings, Workshops)
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